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Complete Yoga for Beginners

Complete Yoga for Beginners

3 practices

Start Your Day with Energizing Bed Yoga
Move into your Daily Flow and end with
a total body transforming Power Flow

BedYoga 10mins
Daily Flow 20mins
Strength and Flexibility Power Flow 30 mins

Relieve mental stress
Improve flexibility
Energize your body
Improve digestion

Koya takes you from relaxing bed yoga to an invigorating Power flow in less than 60 mins

No matter how much time you have to devote you your daily yoga practice Koya has you covered. The 3 yoga practices are QUICK and EFFECTIVE and can be done together for 60 mins of practice or separate for at 10min, 20min or 30 min practice. YOU CHOOSE based on how you FEEL each day.

Koya really believes in the POWER of listening to your body. You will LEARN what your body needs each day and adjust accordingly.

This was designed for beginners with in mind so you will learn where to start and how to get STRONGER and MORE flexible each day.

Complete Yoga for Beginners