Get Loved Up 10 Day Detox

Get Loved Up 10 Day Detox

What is detox?

Removal of toxins from the body and mind

What makes this detox special?

It's quick, easy and gives you a clean slate to start your new healthy lifestyle.

How does it work?

Choose which detox you want to do. You can choose a fast or a vegan cleanse. My favorite fast is the master cleanse and my favorite vegan cleanse is vegan smoothies, salads, and entrees.

What are the benefits?

Digestive balance, weight balance, candida balance, organ refresher, skin toner, cuts cravings, mental clarity and helps calm food addiction/emotional eating

Do not cleanse if:

You have high blood pressure or heart disease or if you're pregnant. If you have any other health condition check with your doctor first. To help you decide which detox is best for you.

After cleanse how should I eat?

I recommend sticking to a schedule of eating every 2-4 hours with One smoothie, one salad, and one entree a day. In between those meals you would have mono meals of fruit of simple veggie snacks like hummus and cucumbers.

As part of this detox you will receive recipes for 5 of my favorite smoothies, 5 of my favorite salads and 5 of my favorite entrees all via streaming video.

You will also receive a daily schedule of when to eat and when to snack as well as what to have before bed and in the morning.

You will also receive daily meditations and breathing exercises via periscope and natural hygiene tips

Detox symptoms you might experience that are normal:

dizziness, mood swings, irritability, lethargy, headaches, exhaustion, digestive upset, acne, cravings, and other mild cleansing effects but after is all over you'll feel amazing. It's kinda like rain then rainbow. lol

Detoxing gives you a chance to connect with your body and soul. I'll be doing this with you and available to answer questions daily.

Get Loved Up 10 Day Detox